*Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know, lose in order to gain, some lessons are learned best through pain. * You make my world become more colourful. * Aim to stars , you will get at least the sky. >,<



Selamat petang kepada bapak-bapak ,ibu-ibu,
Dan adik-adik sekalian.
(Sindrom budak nerd datang kembali..)

Result of PMR  is just around the corner.
And of course la sye rase dup dap dup dap.
Berdebar sakan woah!
Rse berdebar untuk ambik result lebih mendebarkn
Berbanding mase jawab exam.
Do you agree with me?

Sye sedang membuat persediaan samaada dri segi fizikal or mental.
And also trying untuk lupakan segala tekanan..
Ceh! Bunyi mcm serius gile kn?! :P

A few last night ago,
 my cousin,Tyra, suddenly texted me.

Tyra :“Muncito,don’t forget to tell me your result ^^ “
Me: “Kalau result okay, I’ll tell you la”
(More or less like this lahh. I cant remember what I’ve texted her.)
Tyra : “You will!!Btw, I miss you so much. Cant wait to see you^^”

I do miss you too dear cousin. Tapi pasal result tu mcm susah sikit.
And I was just like “Urghh. Mati la aku…”

Before she texted me , on that day jgak, my sis also called me and she also asked me to tell her about my result.

My sis : “Bila boleh taw result? Jangan lupa message kak okay?”
Me: “Alaahh. Malas lah. Tak nak bagitau!”
My sis: “Kalau tak nak bagitau , kak boleh taw melalui message.Kak taw num ic and angka giliran chik..”
Me: “Kak taw ke angka giliran chik? Eleh, kalau gitu chik tak payah la message kt Kak.. hahaha..”

Actually, on that time I was like ;
Gila la aku kali nihhh.”
And I hope that my sis just kid me.

Sesungguhnya aku berserah padaMu ya Allah.
Sama ada result tu okay atau tak.
I’ll try my best,akan terima seadanya
And redha..

So to my honey bunny yg sedang bace post ni
Please do pray for me!
Doakan supaya saye tabah!

To my dearest friends yg sama umur dengan sye,I wish you GOOD LUCK!
Gotta go now!
See you soon!Thank youuu~ *wink*

p/s: I saw Alexander on NTV7 (LIVE) a few last night ago! And I just like “Ohmai ohmai, Xander la woa!!”
Ta kenal Alexander? Alahhh. Dia tu Alexander Lee Eusebio.
Kalau tak kenal lagi, tanye la pak cik Google!^^